The Badlands

Welcome to the Badlands, cowpoke!

An arid desert home to nothing except sand, dead grass, and sun-bleached bones. It is where you must go first on your perilous journey to defeat Baron Von Bandit. A group of armed ruffians, rascally rustlers, and ruthless robots have set up shop here with the hopes of robbing any innocent folk of their hard-earned gold.

The Badlands is the first level in Romanticized Dreams of a Post-Apocalyptic Cowpoke, here you will get your first taste of action as you fight your way through rooms of bandits armed with knives, six-shooters, lassos and much more. Don’t be fooled though, the fleshy humans and mutants are not your only concern here. Makeshift robots and turrets also defend the area, ready to gun you down where you stand if you are not careful.

On your journey, you can stop by the general store and purchase weapons, upgrades, and ammo from the shop-keeper - a man who values profit over friendship. If you’re lucky you might stumble across the bandit’s stash of ill-gotten gains, guns, and other valuables.

Once you’ve managed to conquer the trials of the bandit fortress you must face off against one of Baron Von Bandit’s trusted captains. This fight will test your mettle, as it’s a duel to the death between a murderous villain and you - the hero of the game.